GC Chromatogram Modeler
LC Chromatogram Modeler
GC Methoden Konverter
und Trägergas Konverter
LC Methoden Konverter
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GC Chromatogram Modeler
LC Chromatogram Modeler
GC Methoden Konverter
und Trägergas Konverter
LC Methoden Konverter
Endosulfan sulfate
CAS # 1031-07-8
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Struktur und Eigenschaften der Verbindung
Die obigen Daten stammen aus:
Endosulfan sulfate; Thiodan sulfate; Solfato di endosulfan
Verwandte Produkte
GC Multipestizid Standard Kit
SV Kalibriermix Nr. 6, 2000 μg/mL, Toluol:Hexan (1:1), 1 mL/Ampulle
QuEChERS Performance Standard B, 300 μg/mL, Acetonitril/Essigsäure (99.9:0.1), 1 mL/Ampulle
608 Kalibriermix, 200 μg/mL, Hexan:Toluol (1:1), 1 mL/Ampulle
FAPAS Serie 5 OC-Pestizid Mix Nr. 2. Aceton, 1 mL/Ampulle
Kanadisches Pestizid Standard-Kit, 1 mL/Ampulle; 8 Ampullen/Kit
608 Pestizid-Kit
Organochlor-Pestizid Mix AB Nr. 3. 2000 μg/mL, Hexan:Toluol (1:1), 1 mL/Ampulle
Organochlor-Pestizid Mix AB Nr. 2. Hexan:Toluol (1:1), 1 mL/Ampulle
AOAC QuEChERS QC Spike Mix, jeweils 40 μg/mL in Acetonitril:Essigsäure (99.9:0.1), 5 mL/Ampulle
GC Standard Nr. 2 für Multipestizidrückstände, Organochlorverbindungen, 100 μg/mL, Toluol, 1 mL/Ampulle
EPA-Methode 525.3 OCP-Kalibrierstandard, jeweils 500 μg/mL in Aceton, 1 mL/Ampulle
Pestizid Standard Mix B mit Surrogaten, 3/90 SOW, Hexan/Toluol (90:10), 1 mL/Ampulle
508.1 Pestizid-Kit
Organochlor-Pestizid Mix AB Nr. 1. 200 μg/mL, Hexan:Toluol (1:1), 1 mL/Ampulle
508.1 Kalibriermix #1, 500 µg/mL, Ethylacetat, 1 mL/Ampulle
Kontrollmix zur Auflösung von Organochlorpestiziden (mit Surrogaten), Hexan:Toluol (90:10), 1 mL/Ampulle
Kanadischer Pestizid Standard #6, 100 µg/mL, Acetonitril, 1 mL/Ampulle
QuEChERS Performance-Standards-Kit, 300 µg/mL, Acetonitril/Essigsäure (99.9:0.1), 1 mL/Ampulle
Pestizid Standard Mix B, Hexan/Toluol (90:10), 1 mL/Ampulle
Fast Analysis of QuEChERS Performance Standards Kit on LPGC Rtx-5ms (10 m)
Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of QuEChERS Performance Standards
Comparison of Conventional vs. LPGC-MS Pesticides Analysis
200+ Pesticides in Strawberry on Low-Pressure GC Column Kit
Fast Dual Column Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides (EPA Method 8081) Using a GC Accelerator Kit and Rtx-CLPesticides and Rtx-CLPesticides2 Column Set
Fast Dual Column Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides (EPA Method 8081) Using a GC Accelerator Kit and Rtx-CLPesticides and Rtx-CLPesticides2 Column Set
EPA Method 525.3 OCP Calibration Standard (with 525.3 Internal and Surrogate Standards) on Rxi-5Sil MS
EPA Method 525.3 Full Analyte List on Rxi-5Sil MS
GC Multiresidue Pesticide Standard #2-OCP on Rxi-5ms by GC-MS
QuEChERS Performance Standards Kit Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
GCxGC-TOFMS Contour Plot of Unfortified Detoxification Tea
GCxGC-TOFMS Contour Plot Showing Potential Isobaric Interference with Acephate (m/z 136) in 1D Analysis
GCxGC-TOFMS Contour Plot of Unfortified Berry Tea
7-Minute Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides (EPA Method 8081) on Rtx-CLPesticides and Rtx-CLPesticides2 Using Hydrogen
GCxGC-TOFMS Analysis of Multi-Pesticide Standard Using Rxi-5Sil MS and Rtx-200
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-1701
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-440
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides2 (0.32mm ID)
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides (0.32mm ID)
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides2 (0.53mm ID)
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides (0.53mm ID)
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-35
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-440
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-440
Organochlorine Pesticides US EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides2
Organochlorine Pesticides Fast Analysis Conditions on Rtx-CLPesticides & Rtx-CLPesticides2 (dual column analysis)
Recovery of Chlorinated Pesticides from Solvent Extracts Using CarboPrep 90
Comparison: Florisil SPE Cleanup of Blank Extract and EPA 8081 Pesticides Extract on Rtx-CLPesticides2
Florisil SPE Cleanup of EPA 8081 Pesticides on Rtx-CLPesticides2
GCxGC-TOFMS Chromatogram of QuEChERS Extract of Red Bell Pepper Showing Incurred Pesticides Using Rxi-5Sil MS and Rtx-200
Pesticides in Dietary Supplements (Zoom of GCxGC-TOFMS Contour Plot)
Organochlorine Pesticides, PCBs, and BFRs on Rxi-XLB and Rxi-17Sil MS (GCxGC-ECD)
Marijuana Pesticides by GCxGC on Rxi-5Sil MS and Rtx-200
Organochlorine Pesticides by U.S. EPA Method 8081A on Rtx-CLPesticides2 (dual column w/ Rtx-440)
Organochlorine Pesticides by U.S. EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-50
Organochlorine Pesticides by U.S. EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-5
Organochlorine Pesticides by U.S. EPA Method 8081 on Rtx-CLPesticides2
Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 508 on Rtx-5
Organochlorine Pesticide Mix AB #2 on Rtx-CLPesticides2 and Rtx-CLPesticides (0.53 mm ID column set)
Method 8081B Chlorinated Pesticides on Rtx-CLPesticides2
Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081A on Rtx-440 (dual column w/ Rtx-CLPesticides2)
Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B on Rtx-CLPesticides/Rtx-CLPesticides2 (extended list)
Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA 8081A on Rtx-CLPesticides & Rtx-CLPesticides2
Organochlorine Pesticides on Rtx-CLPesticides Columns (0.18 mm ID column set)
Organochlorine Pesticide Mix AB #2 on Rtx-CLPesticides2 and Rtx-CLPesticides (0.32 mm ID column set)
Pesticides & Herbicides U.S. EPA Method 508.1 Rtx-CLPesticides & Rtx-CLPesticides2
Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Olive Oil Rtx-CLPesticides2
Organochlorine Pesticides on Rtx-CLPesticides2
Organochlorine Pesticides on Rtx-CLPesticides
Organochlorine Pesticide Mix AB #2 Rtx-CLPesticides and Rtx-CLPesticides2 (0.25 mm ID column set)